Good Annulment Points

October 13, 2008 at 3:29 pm (Uncategorized) ()

For those who point to annulments as a sign that we are degenerate, I give you these excellent points. Stolen shamelessly from the kind and perceptive (meaning, he usually agrees with me) Neil atCatholic Sensibility.

This being what I have been saying all along, and thank God for giving me a parish priest who listens. I’m not here because of my present disregard for the sacrament of marriage. I’m here because I do respect it, too much to take communion if I am outside the church’s definition of this. I do heartily repent of my sins against it in the past. And I am ever thankful that there is a way, drowned perhaps in paperwork and bad parking, for me to see my way clear.

Thanks to the posters of these sentiments, to Neil for finding them, my priest, and all those who keep me in their prayers.

In other news, Fr. Philip is back. Yay!

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